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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: ^^;; XD The prom kings sound like breaking Benjamin...
2005-07-23 [d o n e]: Ah, I am listening to SevenDust, Orgy, MSI...ect. <<;;
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: funnnn
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: dude, the prom kings are a local dallas band..and honestly they're one of the worst ones
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: MSI is good.....seven
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: well I have a different opinion and honestly don't care what you think...
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: i know, i'm juts saying that there are alot better bands around here than the prom kings honestly i don't think preps like them should even try to play music...they'v
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: Well they sound like Breaking benjamin to me....depends what song..I only like Alone.
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: ...breaking benjamin????? MY ASS! what song are you listening to? and dude trust me if you knew them off stage you'd know why i call them a bunch of preps...b/c they ARE..they live in big rich mansions with there parents and drive massive suvs and listen to rap more than anything else
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: "Alone"
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: alright you can think what you want...and i can know the truth
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: Thats the only song I like anyways *rolls eyes*
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: ahh yeah....probab
2005-07-23 [Capture And Embrace.]: LOL! Nice. I don't really like them..but that songs okay..
2005-07-23 [Undertow]: yeah it's....okay..
2005-07-23 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm okies next topic
2005-07-24 [Dorkmuncher]: I wishes to be the God of Resident Jesters and All-Around Weird Guys.
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: boy thats a long title, hi all, whats up.
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: shorten it up a little..i'm the resident wise-ass (god of wisdom) and you have to make your request on the request page
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: yep, I'm the Goddess of Life,
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yep....i've got music videos in my page
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: cool
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: indeed
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: music is good.
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yep....the god of music goes a little bit overboard with his title though..
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: well he's the God of Music, shouldn't he be head over heels deep into it
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yeah but he takes it WAY too seriously
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: ok, you know him better then I do.
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: actually i just know him from here it's just i think he takes it too seriously..i said i should be the god of music one day joking around b/c of how many cd's i have and he went ape shit
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: wow
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: so you got a lot of music cd's
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: over 200
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: WOW
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: thats a lot
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yeah i've got a list of them all b/c some people don't believe me
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: thats really cool
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yep..i get bored alot and music is the only way i can keep my sanity
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: yea, I read when i get bored
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm i think we have all lost our sanity
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: why's that?
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohh just the little people on my shoulder tell me things
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: you hear voices too.
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yeah i hear them but mine tell me...."put on better music"
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: umm they tell me that as well or tell me who not to kill or who to kill or how to kill them or all those good things
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: mine tell me who to give life to. *smiles*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhh yea your the god of life arnt ya well i am the god of camorra
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: what does that mean?
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: umm ok
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: ok what?
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: the word camorra means a seceret society one that usually breaks the law somehow
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: didn't you say that already?????
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: not to me he didn't, and that cool, i like.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes i did say it but as you can see shatureel asked what it ment
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: yep i sure did
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: you should check out my temple so far as to what it looks like and tell me whaty ou think of my first position in it
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: sure will.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: mmk thanks
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ohhh ok
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: checked it out. pretty cool, think i'll make me one, I want to be worshipped too. *beams from ear to ear*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: lol im sure youll get worshipped i mean look at me i have one so far
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: i have bitches instead of worshippers
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lmao yeah im one of your bitches
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: lol
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: damn right! lol
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: wierdo
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: i'm not wierd...wait a second....yes i am...oh well thanks for the compliment
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: seee yes it was a compliment
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yep
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: loyup
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: baaah u blasted idiotic people u can not clasify your self as weird unless you have done one of the following..1)[Atempted to set you or a part of your body hands,arms,legs etc...on fire] 2)[ran around your home town wearing a random item of clothing example... santa hat, vampier cape, elf slippers,giant sunglasses a hoola skirt, a whinne the poo costume..something that isent worn as an everyday peice of clothing] 3)[Trying to prove to the world humans can fly with an out come of a trip to the emergency room] 4) [Barked or hissed at small children as they stared while you were walking down the street] 5) [Chaced cars or tryed to keep up to a vehicle on the highway]...anything simalar to this
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ok i have done 1 2 3 4 5 yea among other things
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: CONGRADULATION
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: i used to set my arm on fire all the time.....i've worn a jester hat all day b4....i've hissed at little kids b4..that's it..but i still classify myself as wierd
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: umm well i havent really worn wierd cloths...but i have gone streaking many times. does that count?
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: streakings fun..especiall
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: and you would know how?
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ^__^ i did it last halloween ( was DRUNK) and it hurt my nuts to have that thing on
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yeah... well all the things i mentioned ive done AND MORE
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ...okay
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: weird... huh? lol
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhhh yea you know it
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: actualy at this point in my life i cant color my self weird anymore im just plain nuts...my friend said i lost my sanity after i tryed to fly...yeah sprained ancle and a fractured wrist heh..
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: that was smart
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: or there was the time i wore a santa hat a vampire cape huge sun glasses and ran around with a cap gun screaming there comming there comming were all doomed...
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: best thing i think was when i tryed to light a ford
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: lol umm well how can one lose something that they never had
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ...light a ford?????
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: THIS IS TRUE THIS IS TRUE... death how i long to embrace you I LIKE YOU... u make a good point...yeah LIGHT A FORD... u know ford truck i tryed to LIGHT A FORD it is as it sounds
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: lol okay then
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hehe... yeah i love my wacked personality
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: i think we all like you unusual personality
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: buwaaaaahahah aaaaahaha*coug
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: lol
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes you do you see it has to be like this
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *gives you a dirty look* YOUR TELLING THE GODDESS OF DARKNESS AND EVERYTHING EVIL HOW TO LAUGH MADLY AND HISTERICLY?? how dare you
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i outta beat you with my shoe
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ...stupid people
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: you know it
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: IM NOT STUPID...!!!!!
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: go you go you
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *growls*...*li
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: *gets up dazed* that crazy bitch just bit me!......*look
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *whisles*...BU
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: .......that was smart *fases through door but forgets that clothes don't work well with fasing and goes back quickly* whoops!
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: AAAAAAHAHAH lmfao *laughs manicly*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: *kicks door down* AHAH!!!
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ow my head... OH SHIT *runs* HESS GONNA KILL MEEEEEEEEEE
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: *smiles and rubbs neck*...nah violence isn't something i'm fond of....i just like to watch it sometimes.....
2005-07-24 [Ultra Hunger]: I am a man of peace
2005-07-24 [Serena]: Most guys are....they never hit a girl
2005-07-24 [Ultra Hunger]: well if shes gonna act like a man i'm gonna treat her like one. i'll hit her back
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: me don't like violence. *shivers in a corner*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm you all need to learn how to realex man it is not good for your health to be all streshed* hangs up side down*
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: scary.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes why is it scary?
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: so much violence
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: don't like it, like peace
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: rightusesness well peace is good very good
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: *smiles* yea real good.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: yup yup so pass the peice pipe lol
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: here you go, enjoy, *smiles happy*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: umm no nvm i dont think i should mix that with me drunkeness
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: don't worry i won't tell a soul.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: okies thanks you know dont mix vodka with jack it tastes nasty
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: never mixed the two.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: i did tonight
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: and you didn't like it.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: it tatsted nasty really nasty
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: that bad.
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes but strong it was
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: did it make you feel sick?
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: no i dont get sick from that
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yes peace peace is good *sits cross legged on the floor* oummmm ooummmmm
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *laughs* yup yup
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: what IM IN MY ZEN ZONE ahem...*gose back to meditating*
2005-07-24 [Shatureel]: sits crossed legged in front of ~!~GreenDay~!~
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: oummmmm
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *pokes bolth of them*
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *jumps up and starts to bark*...
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *pokes agian* heee cool
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *attacks[death how i long to embrace you]*...dont make me hurt you
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: hahah funny funny *pokes agian*
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *chaces you with a lighter* HAHAHAHA IM GOING TO SET YOU A BLAZE
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *runs away from the crazy lady*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: strange people....can i come out now???
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *yells* YEAAAAH GET BACK HERE U STUPID POKING BASTARD
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *runs faster*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: i guess not...*goes back into hiding*
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *darts in front of you* HAHA *poke* *runs*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: * pokes undertow*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: assholes *fades out and dissapears*
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *pokes everyone* ITS A POKE WAR AAAAAAAAAAAAH *hides*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: hey where did the other person go?
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: must be hiding 2
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: iay must be
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: smoewhere where you can't ever see me...trust me you don't want to know *reapears infront of [~!GREENDAY~!~] and sticks hand out and makes her fall* oops
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: umm *pokes [Undertow]
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HAHA im hiding im not moving ...that must be someone else
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: *looks at you* know i just thought you were moving *hugs you and uses you as a poking shield* haha!!
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: *thinks*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: now you have to poke her instead of me!
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummmm......
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: eeeeeeeeeeeeee
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ow!!! she bit me again *rubs neck* you could have pushed of pinched...you didn't have to bite
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *sneeks back and pinches you* THERE HAPPY? *runs*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: lol hahahahah
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: no not really *sits down and puts up a bubble so no one can touch me* there no one can get me *floats up and dissapears*
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: awww where he go?
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: away *voice echos all over*
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *comes out of hiding* HES GONNA COME BACK APEAR OUT OF NO WERE AND GET US ALL....*cowers
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ohhh okies* goes and pokes greenday
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: nah i think i'm going to sleep..i'm tired
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HEY STOP IT....*looks around suspiciousy* i dont trust you [Undertow]... your not gonna sleep
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: sure i am
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: no ure gonna plot an evil plan to take over the world
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: that plan went into action a long time ago
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HAAAAAAAAAHAHA ME 2
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: mauhahaha
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: mine wasn'tt hought through well so it fizzled
2005-07-24 [death how i long to embrace you]: ahh ok then
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: im stil working
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: morning everybody, it's cold this morning isn't it?
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: it's like 100 F here so no not really lol
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: it's like 5 degrees here
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: ehhh that sucks
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: i know, it's really cold, i see my breath at the moment
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: eeep
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: that sucks
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: yup
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: *shivers* don't i know it
2005-07-24 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol yeah
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: *hugs you and rubbs your arms to warm you up* better??? ^__^
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: yep, now i am better *smiles*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: yay! so what has everyone else been doing? *sits down with [Shadowsoul] and wraps a blanket around her*
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles and holds the blanket*
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: thank you *smiles*
2005-07-24 [Undertow]: your welcome
2005-07-24 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles*
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